September 9, 2009

Day #6

Highlight of the day: Endurance

We had a great day today. When I tell Whiteny where we are going in the morning she is happy to go and for that I am very thankful. I think Whitney's love language is words of encouragment. Each day when we finish the lying down program and the individual program the conductor stops to compliment each child on one thing they did very well that day, you should see Whitney beam as everyone claps for her. And she is very enthusiastic when she claps for her friends. It is so cute.

Yesterday I observed that her legs may be getting stronger and was concerned it was wishful thinking on my part. Today it was confirmed. During the individual program Whitney stood with a combination of me assisting her and bearing her own weight for about 15-20 minuites. It was amazing. She found this little stuffed bear that she liked and held him rocking him in her arms as she stood there. We are very encouraged.


ErinM said...

Picturing Whitney holding that little bear while standing makes me smile! It sounds like she is working hard and having fun at the same time. These updates make me smile, too! I love to hear about little Whitney and the great work that this program is doing with the kids.

Anonymous said...

I have tears of joy for you all that Whitney is getting stronger! Thanking God for this, and it's super sweet to hear how excited she is and so cute how she held her bear! :-) Praying such growth will continue and thanks so much for the updates!

Nate and Emily said...

pretty amazing! did you know that whitney's picture is featured in the Conductive Learning Center's info packet? she's adorable:)

Leigh and Andy said...

Tears!! That is SO AMAZING!!! I am SO happy to hear that Whitney is doing so well! I will say an extra prayer of thanks tonight for the strength that Whiney is gaining. Can you even believe that you have only been doing this for 6 days?!?!? I know that these accomplishments have not come easy for Whitney OR you, but you guys are such an encouragement to us! Thank you so much for all of the updates!!