January 24, 2008

New Pictures


Cari said...

My eyes are welling up with tears. How beautiful to see the love you have for your daughter and to see Whitney resting peacefully at home.

Anonymous said...

I suppose that there will be unkind or thoughtless comments made. From the grandfather perspective, those comments are usually made from ignorance rather than spite. I give thanks to God that medical technology is available at the levels it is to help not only Whitney but all of us.

lisa ann said...

Hi, Thank you for sharing your family with everyone. My Granddaughter was born September 14 of this year. Baby Madallyn was born at 32 weeks, weighing 3pds 8oz and had to stay in the hospital for 6 weeks. During one of her physicals at the NICU Unit, they measured her head and found it was larger than normal so they did a CT-Scan then a MRI, the Docotrs said she would out grown it, but when she came home, it was still growning. On Nov.3rd, Madallyn had surgery and a shunt was placed in her head and detoured to her stomach. I have never heard of this type of surgery, but the doctors say it is very common for babies.. I am so worried about her long term health, in development, learning and etc. Madallyn was able to drain some of her fluid but it was being blocked some by a blood clot, she received during her delivery.. I Pray for your Baby Whitney for a quick recovery along with my Granddaughter and everyone else who is dealing with this type of illness. God Bless, Lisa Cribb