Today I went to pick up Whitney. The parents wait outside the classroom while someone helps the child walk, in whatever modified way they need, to the door. This gives all of the kids motivation to 'walk'. Whitney always uses a little chair or stool and walks backward, because her knees collapse, with someone helping shift her weight. Today she was trying out a walker! So, here she is, with someone helping her shift her weight, with a little walker! We were all very excited. Whitney began to wave to us and almost lost her balance but it was super cute. She was so proud of herself, which was a delight to see. She clapped for herself when she overheard me tell Matt and grandma.
We are moving up to 4 mornings a week for the last 3 sessions/months of the school year. She seems to be doing very well, so I hope the transition to 3-4 mornings will be smooth. This will enable us to keep her in BSF on Wednesdays as well.
The Nelson family has had to relocate to a hotel this past week. I walked in the house after Bible study on Wednesday to a flooded home. A PVC pipe broke in our upstairs bathroom and as Fiona said, "It is raining in my bedroom!". We hope to move back in tomorrow to a dry home and stay there while they re-do everything. It is going to be an interesting 6 week process. If you think of us please pray for patience, a positive attitude, and that we will be able to extend grace to those working on our home.