April 21, 2008


It is time to catch everyone up on Whitney. The urologist appointment went well over all. It was a little discouraging. What it boiled down to was that there are two extremes: catheter every 4 hours the rest of her life or constant bladder infections, of which neither is good. It took me awhile to not look at the extremes and to think of it in terms that Whitney will fall somewhere in between. We will discover this overtime and in the meantime we do not have to cath her which is great news. We did discover that she does have her first bladder infection which we have begun to treat.

We also had an appointment with the plastic surgeon. This went really well. Prayers have been answered and her skull is not fusing together prematurely. For this we are very thankful. Whitney's head shape is doing great as well. Her heard was beginning to get too long as a result of being on her side for the first months of life. We have had her sleeping on a special pillow to minimize this, which she did not appreciate. She was happy to hear that she is no longer in need of it. One less thing to worry about.

The latest news is that we had Whitney assessed by the Conductive Learning Center which just happens to be 5 minutes from our home. A friend had mentioned this to us before Whitney was born but our plates were full at the time. Conductive learning is an alternative physical therapy which was founded in Hungary in 1945. It is very common in Europe and is still getting a name for itself in the US. We are still learning all that is involved but we have decided to begin the program and see how it goes. This involves going there once a week for an hour and will increase over time. They mainly work with Cerebral Palsy and Spina Bifida children to help them become as independent as possible. Our first appointment is tomorrow. We are so thankful that this is available to us near our home. There are families that have moved here and others who fly in frequently for conductive learning. Here is the link http://www.aquinas.edu/clc/

Thank you for checking up on us and keeping us in your prayers.


Cari said...

Thanks for the update. Hugs and kisses to you all.

ljbrouwer said...

Glad to hear things are going well. We continue to pray for you all. Please update with pictures soon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! It is good to hear what is going on. I'm so sorry about the bladder infection..that must be hard info. to process. I am glad you are trying out that learning center..it sounds interesting. I am sure Whitney is glad to be rid of that pillow! We are continuing to pray for you- good to see all of you together in church again:)

Miranda said...

We love to read your updates and appreciate you taking the time to post them. It really helps us see the progress that Whitney is making and hope that Trinity will have the same success. Sounds like things are going really good for you! What is the pillow that you are using? Trinity is having the same problem from being on her side and stomach.
Shannon, Miranda, Aubree, & Trinity Arthur