November 30, 2010

blood tests

I thought I would quick update for you on our current pregnancy. So far all is looking very well. We had two early ultrasounds and one a few weeks ago along with a blood test. The ultrasound combined with the blood test determined that this baby does not have downs syndrome or trisomy 18. We did not know that being 'high risk' meant that we were flagged for everything but, good information none the less. So, we said, well that is wonderful, but how about spina bifida? We had another blood test at 15 weeks. We had to wait till 15 weeks to hear results about SB because at this point there would be extra or more blood present in the babies liver. This comes from blood being in the amniotic fluid from the opening in the babies spine. Those test results just came back and we are now looking at a 0.116% chance of this baby having spina bifida (1 in 860)! Our next ultrasound will be at 21 weeks on the 27th of December. Thanks for checking in on us.


Jamie said...

Glad everything is looking great!

Leigh and Andy said...

So glad to hear this, Susan!!!

Nate and Emily said...

so glad for you guys!

Unknown said...

so glad things are looking well!

Anonymous said...

what wonderful news! Continuing to pray for you and for this upcoming appointment!!! Praising the Lord for this news! Enjoy your pregnancy!